Frequencies of Brilliance is a practice that expands consciousness like nothing else we have ever seen, experienced, or known.
It helps us to be reborn in various aspects of ourselves, anchoring our crystalline body and heart in this dimension, enabling us to create heaven on Earth.

There are 52 levels of frequencies where all bodies are treated, healed, and developed, elevating to new energetic levels. The person receives support and establishes a deep connection with the multidimensional aspects of their being. This is the purpose of the Frequencies of Brilliance work, to awaken the Self.
Each level has a specific task, from 1 to 52 we go through a journey to meet our I Am essence, our aspects from other dimensions of time and space, as well as our star family.
It performs a deep initiation process, enabling spiritual, emotional, and physical awakening. We begin the journey towards our Sacred Heart, removing veils, recognizing our own light and truth, allowing for a greater expression of our divine light.
It enables the balance and drainage of the brain and the work of Amanae Brain. Amanae Brain is a powerful bodywork that facilitates the release of traumas and emotional blockages.
It activates our body to receive energetic filaments of light that will restructure the physical organs. It activates the brain, where
dormant areas are stimulated. It works with physical organs, dissolving karmic causes of diseases, working with issues already somatized in the physical body, as well as activating the pineal gland.
All activations generate a direct connection with the Universal Consciousness, connecting the person to the source that emanates from the life force. It is the initiator of the Self, which will develop the person in a direct line with themselves.
In the final levels, we connect with the 9 Rays of God. These rays are the Consciousness of God, where nothing n
eeds to be done. This consciousness acts on the body and cells. It cleanses and offers a possibility in the physical body to release many issues and beliefs that have been embedded and are not yours. Many things start to appear so that we can free ourselves from them and disconnect from those words and everything that has been embedded in our system. These rays work a lot on the physical level.
Finally, at level 52, we initiate a higher level of reconnection with our sacred nature, reconnecting with the Sacred Realms and the PEI ANTANA Realms, which sustain the sacred essence and the highest frequencies of reconnection within the frequency of the Dream Time, the space from the 10th to the 16th dimensional realm.
As you can see, Frequencies of Brilliance is a practice that transcends in all aspects. It prepares us to let go and enter this place of higher consciousness. May you open yourself to this path and align with a higher perspective of your Self. So be it!