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Foto do escritorLudmilla Maia

Discovering Your Purpose in 5 Steps

Atualizado: 16 de fev. de 2023

Do you know what your purpose is? When I graduated in Psychology in 1982, I thought my purpose was to be a Psychologist and help people. Many years have passed, many experiences and many healings have happened, and today I realize that was just the beginning. Today, I know my purpose is to teach and guide people about their behaviors and emotions, so that they can get to know themselves better and live a more meaningful life. I help people, mostly women, to empower themselves and have better lives.

Every year, thousands of people graduate from universities with a profession, but without knowing their purpose in life. Do you know what your purpose is? Do you feel like your life is being wasted?

You see, your purpose may have nothing to do with the job you do or will do. It has to do with the choices you made before incarnating in this body. Things that you can offer to humanity. And if your purpose is aligned with what you do, bingo, you are fulfilling it. But if not, you can discover your purpose now, very quickly and simply. People who know their purpose have followed these 5 steps:

1 - Who are you? Here there is nothing subjective. Say your name. Who am I? I'm Guaraciara. Who are you?

2 - What do you do? Do you sing, dance, cook delicious food, teach, take care of people? What do you love to do? What makes your heart sing?

3 - For whom do you do or would like to do this? Who would you like to receive what you do? Would it be children, women, sick people, people who need to work their body, mind? Would it be people who need to develop their creativity, intelligence, memory? Who?

4 - What do these people, for whom you would do, want or need? Do what you like to do or would like to offer, needed or wanted by them? How? Write it down and define it clearly.

5 - How will these people modify or transform their lives with what you do? What results will they have with what you will offer? Certainly, someone in this world needs what you will offer. Tune in your compass.

You see, you were able to discover in a few minutes what most people take a lifetime to discover. Many never do.

The most successful people in any field always focus more on the people they help or work with and how they will improve their lives. The happiest people make others happy and do things to make them feel cared for. That's the secret to being successful. Do what you love, offering it to those who need it. Money comes as a consequence.

If your purpose is to help people have a lighter life, learn more easily, see life in a lighter and more colorful way...whatever your purpose is, trust and do it. Someone on the other side of the world needs you and what you have to offer, right now. Go and fulfill your purpose!

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